Colin Parte

By ColinParte


There was a nice atmospheric mist enveloping Bangor by the time I reached the town this evening. I had intended to take a few long exposure shots at a natural harbour in Bangor called The Long Hole, but there were too many street lights for what I had planned.

Fifty yards away is the main pier and with the mist falling on the trawlers, it allowed me an opportunity to take a few decent pictures of the boats and the harbour lights. This new remote release really is a lot of fun.

While on the pier, I met one of the trawler men checking that his boat's generators were still running. We had an interesting conversation about mussel fishing in belfast Lough and he showed me the machinery on the deck of his boat used to clean and sort the catch. All told, a pleasant hour well spent!

Worth clicking on the "large" thingy!

Two "also rans":


Mussels Alive!

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