
By mollyblobs

Fog on the Nene

Woke up to dense fog this morning, which has more or less persisted all day. My morning walk with the dogs was more of a slide and squelch. Much of the snow has now gone, but compacted areas on paths have become even more slippy, and the meltwater can't drain away into the still frozen earth, so there are puddles everywhere.

The sun tried to peek through occasionally, and there were plenty of beautiful sets of water droplets and light coming through the mist, though as I was in a hurry I didn't really have time to do them justice. I chose this image because it captures the rather quiet, dreamy feel of the morning, and also shows the ice which is still present along the river margins.

This afternoon was spent catching up with some old friends. There was lots of beer, wine and good food, rounded off with Christmas pudding vodka (absolutely delicious - recipe from the Hairy Bikers). The conversation was also stimulating - so all in all a good day.

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