A girl on a mission!

By missmission


Couldn't resist taking a picture of Lottie in the bath with her crazy shampoo hair this evening. We've had such a boring day that this really is the best I could manage for a blip!!! Mind you Lottie has had every toy we own out at some point, painted a picture of her daddy and informed her daddy tonight she has been playing all day! Must have been tiring for her because after lunch she asked for a sleep which has never happened before!!!

I'm having a major decluttering session at the moment and being very ruthless with what I'm getting rid of. Not sure how we've managed to accumulate so much junk in the last 2 years!!! It's driving me mad though as the house is a mess with it!!!

Tomorrow we're off out...just a shame its only to the hospital as I have an appointment, and then town afterwards. I think we might also meet hubby from work tomorrow evening and go for a carvery with him as I wont really feel like cooking.

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