Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Early Riser

Okay so maybe 9am isn't that early for some but for me on a non school day it's an early start. Went over to some friends last night and had a good chuckle, then I had to sleep on an airbed that stands up like a normal bed. I spent the entire evening dicing with death as I tried not to fall off. I wanted to just sleep on the sofa, but apparently my dribble wasn't the ideal companion for £2000 worth of DFS's finest. I did point out as it was on interest free credit technically it wasn't theirs. Didn't work.

So todays picture: symbolic I feel as 2010 dies and 2011 comes in. I guess I'll do the whole rambling about 2010 now as tomorrow I think I'm going on an all day session and probably won't blip. I think my personal highlights were the birth of my nephew Isaac and the short time I spent with Karen in October. I had plenty of low lights, incidents with German Lugers, girls who thought Sherlock Holmes was a place and all manner of other stuff. I have definately had much better years. There is a lot to be positive about though, 2011 is a new year.

I feel extremely flat today which is a massive surprise for someone usually so positive and upbeat. Lee and Jackie used to be my clubbing partners back in the days of me and Kelly. Kelly always behaved but the three of us were proper wreckheads, always up until dawn chatting sh1t and being young. Now 10 years on they've got Morgan (15 months) and Clean (Jckies nickname that only I call her nowadays) went to bed about 12. It was ace seeing them but I think we all felt a bit tinged by sadness at the old times. Lee and Jackie are tow others that have been pushed out the so called 'group' of friends we were in. They've felt it since Morgan was born, I've felt it because one of our friends thinks I'm a scumbag.

They're wrong. I'm ace. I checked in my 'Little Book Of Ace Things' and I'm right there between Peanut M&Ms and Siena (the town in Italy not the fame hungry actress Miller).

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