Who knew?

By InOtherNews


Unimaginitive name I'm afraid. This is a shot of some wind chime thing my Mum has hung in her lounge, which is directly above my own lounge. She's out at the minute so alls quiet, which is good given that she has had one of her six sisters here for the last few days. I haven't seen much of them but its nice being able to sit in my PJ bottoms drinking coke and playing Xbox. I know this sounds like a bit of a slobby thing to do, but we all like to veg every now and again don't we?

Blip provided me with another first today, the first time someone else has linked me in their journal. I love seeing stuff like that, y'know like the thrill of a new subscriber or finding a journal you like. I'm not sure which is actually better, but anything that nods towards an appreciation of your shots or my mindless rambling is a real bonus.

It's taken me nearly three hours to upload this, in which time I have managed to kill around 140 Russian henchmen in a mode called 'deniable ops' on my game Splinter Cell. I am beginning to wonder if its ever going to end, I know Russia is a big country but why do I have to kill everyone? I keep imagining they are the Russians who (allegedly) bribed Sepp Blatter and the rest of the crooked FIFA lot. Gives me muchos muchos satisfaction.

The fog is setting in, but by half eight myself and my lovely car will be Lincoln bound. Tonight its time for a catch up with my old friends Lee and Jackie. Whilst I was with Georgi for 2 years I lost contact with them (Georgi was very precious and disliked large portions of my friends. I guess my 'dirty streets' weren't really her scene) and only recently have we buried the hatchet. Me and Lee used to get into a lot of really mashed up states together, but we've both moved on from that now so its cool to look back and laugh.

I used to have a job making clown shoes. That was no small feat I can tell you.

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