Deh-neh, deh-neh...

You can almost hear the tuba playing in the background (the Jaws theme).

Took the wee man to soft play this morning at Scrambles and he absolutely loved it. As soon as we took him in, he grabbed hold of a walker and he was off. I've never seen him move so fast, and it was quite difficult to keep up with him at some points. He also tried the bouncy castle for the first time and really enjoyed that too. He got a bit scared of the big kids bouncing around at first, but then after some more wandering on the walker, he stopped, pointed at the bouncy castle and then started bouncing on the spot so I took him back on. Although he was zipping around the place on the walker, he did find time to play with some other toys, and was even walking around unaided at some points.

After soft play, we headed in to town to John Lewis, as mrs monochrome had ordered Aidan a snow suit and it had finally come back in stock. We had also ordered this LittleLife backpack for him - they do all kinds of little people backpacks, but we really liked the one with the shark fin. We didn't realise that it also had a built in rain hood, let alone that it had teeth on it, so that was a bonus!

Also back-blipped for yesterday.

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