
Very quiet walk into work, the traffic light and not many people around.

Work was a loving of lustfullness.

On the way home, the atmosphere was brilliant.

Young female faces smiling in anticaption ,or just so happy, with purposeful long strides heading into town. The ones with heels footered their way with a more dainty stride. The smiling and cheeriness was overflowing, a release from the everyday humdrum. I do hope the the smiles continue.

Home and made dinner. Eco son away out with his pals, had a wee bit of chat about drink hope he has fun and avoids trouble.

Took Juno up the hill in the dark, no one around. Bright white flat clouds floating in taking my stars away. The light of the city subtued with distant bands entertaining. It was brilliant being out just the 2 of us. Juno ran after rabbits I think, it was too dark for me to see.

Back in the house, just chilling with the girls.

These posters reminded me of

Murdo from Angry Corrie.

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