
By Mimthing

Water.........Happy New Year

As I write this, I am once again wondering exactly what goes on at blipcentral.
The photo I have uploaded was taken on my iphone about one hour ago, yet a query has come up as to it's date so it probably won't get on to todays page.
This of course should not matter, especially to one such as I, one that hardly ever uploads the same day as pic taken. But this is the last one of the year. Yes, I may well back-blip.........if I can be bothered.
The significance of the glass?

It holds water!!

Two reasons

1. I had to drive to the next village to fill a load of bottles with water from my brothers house ( not just for me ) as our supply has stopped.......burst pipe?? we don't know, but we are without water.

2. This is New Years Eve and I am drinking water..........not wine!!!!!!!!

The water returned just after midnight.

Happy bunny

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