Clark Tales

By cclark

Looney Dook 2011

Wow what a great new year, spent with people I love most in the world, my best mate, the groom and her fiance, the my two honorary sisters, their cousin and Gaz. After seeing in the bells in the Bay, where we had a great view of the fire works at the castle, we headed down to the parents street for a neighbours house party!

I awoke with great expectation of doing the Looney dook, but for some reason my eyes would not open, Looked in the mirror and looked like the female Rocky with a punched eye, turns out it was conjunctivitis!!! So on top of a cold there was no way I was dipping in the forth for anyone! However did mean I could take photo's and film the event. We had all crashed at the parentals so an epic fry up from my amazing mum was produced, Thanks mum.

This shot was taken Just as they all ran in, had great difficulty in choosing the blip so will link some alternatives, but this one seemed good enough.

Just managed to get back to mum and dad's in time before the 2nd eye became infected, so duvet day is in order with lots of bathing of the eyes lol.

Happy New Year!

Alternative 1
Alternative 2
Alternative 3

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