Looking up, looking down

By Eagleheart

Panorama testing

Well NOW I figured how that works!

That's our biggest room. It's calles "sali" (like.. "saloon" or something). When we got any parties or something, we're spending our time mostly there. Like christmas! You can see all those anique things - my mum is crazy about them. Our house is full of antique - and to make balance, there's some new design things too. Like Double bubble in my room, you know, that lamp? :D

Mum is trying to make me like antique too. She doesn't have to though - I really like old things! Especially old houses. Old scandinavic houses!!

Nothing special happened today. I was at home just walking around and being tired - and nervous. My christmas vacation is close to an end, and I need to go back to schoo. I DON'T WANT TOOOOOOO!!

ps. Oh this photo is SO SMALL! Well... can't help it.

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