
By Instography

Grangemouth again

I can't help liking the way Grangemouth dominates the horizon, adding a layer of industry to everything. Even a wee 16th century village like Culross. We'd headed along there to get us all a bit of fresh air, get the weans away from the telly and the two of us off our backsides and away from the mountain of food that still needs to be eaten.

We went with the Moores with the intention of getting some coffee and cake at a wee cafe in Culross. To justify that we had to walk up the hill past the abbey. Gives a nice view across the river.

Tomorrow we're off to Glenshee for some skiing and sledging. Mandy, Ewan and Ellen are having a lesson but I'm assuming that it's like falling off a bike and I will be able remember enough to avoid breaking something: camera, leg, neck.

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