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EDIT: REPLACEMENT IMAGE in place due to subject-objection for the second time on this date in three years.

Hopefully it'll be a few years before the wingpiglet starts noticing the flap and hoot associated with the increment of the calendrical annum, giving us (or possibly just me) time to decide what to do about it, much as we must sometime choose whether or not to go along with gift-donation mythologies and so on. Given that the local representation of the ostensibly celebratory events these years culminated in increasingly shitty fireworks which woke him up and made him cry and resulted in significantly increased volumes of inebriate oaves agressing through the streets when I took him out for a walk earlier in the evening it would be odd to raise him under the premise that new year is a happy occasion. I was hoping to be asleep by midnight but ended up trying to not pay attention to Jools's annual pre-recorded syncopated lie-a-thon and noting how various sets of fireworks from various directions, my computer's clock, my phone's clock and the presumably carefully-cued action on the telly disagreed by up five seconds. The irrelevance of the actual moment between seconds was nicely highlighted at the False Millennium when newsreaders across the world calmly stated throughout the afternoon and evening that it was already the next year/century/decade a few thousand miles away, also highlighting how less well-shaped to their venues the various firework displays on this island were compared to those elsewhere.

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