We had sparklers! Much hilarity trying to light the buggers, but that (lovely) familiar sparkler smell brought back memories of Bonfire nights of many many years ago, and yes, even as grown adults we tried to write our names in the cold winter air!

The night continued - the dancing got sillier and the upstairs neighbours came down to complain about the noise. I finally decided to call it a night at 3.30am as my contact lenses were about to peel themselves out of my eyes and I'd consumed quite enough vodka thank you very much. It was a long but pleasant walk home through the slushy snow-lined streets of Warsaw - with many other folk doing the same, in the absence of taxis.

Here's to a happy, healthy and fun-filled 2011.

Happy New Year! - Szczesliwego Nowegu Roku! - Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

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