All that is beautiful

By sharob

Storm Lily

Here is my little lady, Storm Lily - AKA the Tazmanian Devil. She is the complete opposite to her sister, she's loud, into absolutely everything and has been mobile for some time now. She learned to crawl when she was 5 and a half months old and we haven't been able to rest since! She's 11 months old now and has been taking a few steps for the last 2 weeks so we expect she'll be walking before her first birthday.

I felt so confident with my first baby, I took motherhood in my stride, kept a tidy house, the baby was being stimulated and everything was perfect. This baby however, she's rocked our world. We fell pregnant very quickly second time round, I had another easy pregnancy, a super easy labour and was home the next day. Storm didn't ever breastfeed well so the fact that I got her to 4 and a half months was no mean feat - finally, I gave in after realising that she just didn't want to feed - 2 weeks of her feeding for 5 minutes every 2 hours was not fun any longer! So she was moved over to formula and weaned a little earlier than the 6 month rule. But, she's a big girl, always been at least 4 months ahead of her sister in weight. I'll admit to feeling pretty lousy and definitely no-where near as confident as I did first time round.

She's into everything, she tore our kitchen apart in 5 minutes last week. She can be on one side of the room and within 1 blink, she's moved elsewhere and is pulling something else apart. It's impossible to get cuddles from her as she's so active, I'm hoping that they'll come at some point! As she's nearing her first birthday, she's growing into a pretty little girl, definitely smart and actually, quite a sweet little thing. When she's not demolishing something!!

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