365 with orange gearle

By orangegearle

meet a mess

As I believe I mentioned in my first blip, I don't really "do" New Year's Resolutions. Why would I set myself up for that kind of failure?? :-) I have set a few goals for myself. I am determined to meet my goals, so I guess they are resolutions??? Naw, goals!!!

This picture is both real and representative. This real picture is a zoom in of part of my scrapbooking table, but it represents most of my life -- it needs organized! I know, I know, not a very original resolu --- I mean -- goal, right? One of my goals is to organize it, and, more importantly, USE it! My action plan isn't exactly clear to me yet, but I have several ideas. I have taken steps toward the organization process, not that you can tell from this zoom in. But with a time consuming job, a toddler and a wonderful soul mate that I love to be with, I'm not sure how I'm going to do the important part of that goal-- USE it. I am thinking that I might set aside one evening per week that I focus on scrapbooking. Or maybe not that often, maybe one night every other week. Then if I can do more, bonus! You get the picture. This goal fits right in with the goal of my 365:2011 project -- taking pictures every day. Taking more pictures...leads to (hopefully) an abundance of better pictures which requires more scrapbooking! So, I need to get a handle on this goal, and right quick! My Day 1 shot (and the outtakes that go with it) should be scrapbooked! OK, but right now I need to sleep! I am still under the weather with this Strep Throat thing. It is really kicking my butt!

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