Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Street of Memories

This afternoon we stopped by Mr. Fun's mom's home so that he could turn her car around. She has an unusually long driveway in a residential neighborhood here in suburbia and next to it is a tall hedge which makes visibility almost non-existent.

She had a doctor's appointment later in the afternoon and thought she'd drive herself, but thought it would be helpful if she did not have to back her car out of the driveway and onto the street. We thought so too. She's 88 years young, but possibly has reached the day when driving herself is not such a good idea. Of course, she doesn't agree.

I sat in our car while Mr. Fun did the car turning event. He backed her car out of the garage and on to the street and then backed it into the driveway so she could drive out facing the street and any on coming traffic. As I sat there looking down the street, I thought about all the years Mr. Fun had grown-up there in the house his parents built (just to the right--the roof line is visible) . . . the numerous memories he's told me about growing up right there.

It was from this home that he walked to the local junior high school. It was from this driveway that he'd rolled-out at 0-dark-thirty with his bicycle loaded with rolled newspapers in cloth bags hung from the handlebars. It was on this street that he drove his first car -- a bug-eye Sprite. A myriad of events happened right here.

Grandma Fun didn't want us to take her to the doctor nor to take her grocery shopping, so we were glad the rain had subsided. Once the car was turned around we were on our way.

When we woke this morning the sky was low and before long everything was wet and it rained all morning. In the late afternoon the sky cleared and the weather people claim we'll not have rain again until next week. This evening we're going to watch another movie from the huge stack of movies that Mr. Fun compiled yesterday afternoon. I can't wait to see what he selects!

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday. It'll be a balloon day for me. I can hardly believe it!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe), aka Carol

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