Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Treats, Anyone?

Yesterday our neighbor, Patti, rang the doorbell and then handed Mr. Fun this plate of delicious looking treats. Almost every year, sometime during the holidays, she brings a gift of homemade goodies to us. Since mid-July Mr. Fun has shed 50 pounds and is still "shedding." So after she left, he handed me the plate. You can imagine my dilemma.

For the past several years I have begged, pleaded, whined, threatened, and given-up on asking Mr. Fun to lose weight. Since July we've had lots of fun with this losing experience because it's been such a victory for him. So what do we do with a plate of treats? Mr. Fun's immediate (joking) response is "Let's eat it!" and I know that if it is left where he can see it continually, little-by-little he'll eat it all (actually it would be more than little-by-little). His old habit was to "graze" through the refrigerator and cupboards. He's a food-o-holic.

So yesterday I immediately took it away from him and he wandered off somewhere. Then I took a quick phone photo of the plate and texted it to our friends, Scott & Peg, camping in San Clemente and to our daughter across town. I wrote, "Look what the neighbor just brought to us! Oh my!"

Moments later Scott returned the text, "We'll start the coffee. How soon til you and your treats are here?" I busted-out laughing and both of us would have loved to hop in the car and head for San Clemente (we'd been there the evening before and had such a good time).

A few minutes later our daughter replied, "Throw it away! You've come so far." Again I laughed.

So here are the treats photographed again today. I've kept them well hid and Mr. Fun doesn't have a clue where to find them.

Would anyone like a plate of treats?

Well, good night from Southern California with a plateful of treats.
Tomorrow is Day 365. I can hardly believe it!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Thanks for all the thoughtful comments yesterday. Honestly, I didn't think anyone would read that long entry.

P.P.S. If you haven't seen Scott's blip from San Clemente, it's worth looking.

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