Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

One Year and Still Blipping

To say these two who reside at the "Fun" house are celebrating, would be a huge understatement . . . 365 days of blipping, blogging, and browsing have "ballooned" into a banquet of memories. The initial beginning turned into a daily behavior and now it's a habit; okay it's an addiction! Blipping has enhanced life enormously for Rosie & Mr. Fun.

I came to this site to write, and thankfully the expert and professional photographers here have been so kind and encouraging, even though I only "point and shoot." A year ago I wanted to record daily life and thought that an online journal would be a good place. I wanted something more than paper and pencil or the keyboard on my laptop. When I "googled" for a place to blog, I discovered Blipfoto. The rest is now recorded history.

Not only have I written 365 days of my thoughts, but now I have an image from each one. I have an amazing array of encouraging comments, and sometimes, I think, my best writing has been in the comment section on someone else's page (and that pleases me, because more than anything, I want to be an encourager).

Thanks Blipfoto -- I really mean ALL of YOU -- I'll never be able to say THANK YOU loud enough to convey how intensely I feel that.

Thank you Joe for creating this genius site. To Joe's mom for having him. To Joe's wife for what you do (I know there is a good woman behind every good man), to Joe's daughter for inspiring him, to all of Joe's family -- what would we be without our families?

Thank you to Blip Central for working so diligently behind the scenes. So many quality upgrades have been made to this site since last January. I am glad I became a "founding" member when I had the opportunity (even though I was not here at the "founding").

Thank you to all the (serious) blip photographers for the wonder you display. I would list lots of your names, but I'd surely forget someone. You'll never know how long I stare at your photos with wonder, awe, sometimes a tear, often laughter, and always admiration. I promise that someday in the future, I'll get better as a photographer.

Thank you to all the blip writers (I won't list your names for the same reason mentioned above) for sharing your messages--they touch every emotion known to humans. They give me insight and hopefully help me to be more compassionate. Your messages encourage me to continue writing.

Thank you to everyone who has left me a comment. I've always thought I would be better at daily journaling if I had someone to be accountable to. I started blipping the very first night I discovered Blipfoto with no idea that I would get comments. I've discovered that rather than accountability, it is the daily encouragement that brings me back again and again.

And finally, for the record, these past 365 days I've learned to see to REALLY see -- things that I never would have noticed before -- occasionally I'm successful at capturing them. One more thought for the record, with a camera in my hand, I'm not as shy as I was a year ago. You would have never found me on the floor (on my knees) at a wedding--good grief! And before Blip, I would have never imagined uploading a photo of me in a hospital bed--no way!

So thank you EVERYONE for making the 365 days delightful.
I'm sure the best is yet to come.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. I'll be here late tomorrow because we'll be 50 miles away at the afternoon funeral of the bride's grandmother. :-(

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