Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Toying with Kitty

This is A playing with his brother and sister in law's cat Errol.

They made us an absolutely gorgeous meal this evening of ham, chicken legs, salad, bread and other general yummy things. We spent the evening playing a game of BeanBoozled which involves a mixture of nice tasting beans with some nasty ones like mouldy cheese and rotten egg. You pick a bean at random and hope for the best. ;) I was pretty lucky apart from getting a rotten egg one but A's brother decided to eat the half eaten bean since, as a chef, he was keen to see what it tasted like! Mad boy. ;) We watched little bits of Happy Feet which always makes me cry but generally just spent time with one another. We also had a mosey around Bishop Stortford where A grew up which is always really interesting. :)

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