bear tails and such

By joeythebear

today is my mamas birthday

ok so today is my moms 49th birthday. ok the party is on friday . here is what I have been working on as a gift for her . its not done yet but will be for the party.a little bit about my mom . she had me when she was 17 gave birth to a premmie baby I was only 6months carried . they told her I was gonna die anyways and if I lived Id be short and slow very slow , my momma is the real deal native american indian princess her father was a chief and in hers and mine is the blood of kings . she ran away and married a horse thief big mistake . she didnt even have a grade 8 education and my father turned out to be a horrible drunk and abusive . she left and ran with us even though he had beat her so badly her mind was damnaged she has the mind of a 15 year old girl and cannot understand most things due to not knowing english or the anglo world . but as she says she sure showed them she got her grade 11 and I am 6'3 and hold 4 degrees I have been on magazines as a model and stage and screen I have had art exhibited and my words printed in books .she says Im her hero because she can hand me a problem and I make it alright and I am always there when she needs me be it money or a trip to the vet for her best friend micky the annoying dog ,I can take on the whole world in her eyes and in our native way I am king bear but my momma says at night I lay down my head and I am still a country boy LOL!!! love you momma

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