
Yet another fabulous day at Great Barrier and after the usual sumptuous breakfast Michael, the kids and I headed into Fitzroy to fill the dive tanks and do chores like dump the rubbish and recycle. While waiting for the tank refills there was of course the obligatory visit to the shop for an ice cream for the kids.

Then back to the bay and out onto the rocks fishing.. The kids have been very keen to fish, as much as possible, so out we went. Perfect conditions, but not a great deal of success. Much fun nonetheless.

Back for lunch, then down to the beach for some swimming, and water skiing for the kids. Oliver did well, Adam decided he didn?t want to get wet (but then swum to the wharf later, as a kind of redemption ;-)

And then dinner, and marshmallows for all the kids on the beach. Perfect day!

(Phillip and Oliver)

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