Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Self Talk

Once upon a time, I read a book called "Do You Hear What You're Thinking" by Jerry Schmidt. Although I don't use imagery, as talked about in the book, to redirect my thinking, I did take to heart that what I think over and over again can either harm me or help me. Sometimes, just on an anxiety level...but what a powerful level that is!!

Upon further examination, I have caught myself thinking a number of things that resulted in mindless tensions and anxieties that just got worse over time (like repetitively thinking, "this is the story of my life" when negative things happen and pushing my tongue up against my teeth, mindlessly, while concentrating or trying to hurry...result: raw tongue. Benefit: nothing) I have gotten fairly set in my ways, it requires continual encouragement and visual aids to stay positive and calm while I do the necessary work of each day.

My strategies for my cubicle: ~surround myself with pretty images of flowers and smiling people~post little signs that I can read when I notice they're there~make the notes to myself and the messages I leave myself polite and kind~tell everyone I see 'hello' or 'happy Tuesday...or whatever day it is'~answer the phone with a calm, patient voice so the person calling is set at ease and returns the favor

Ever see "Finding nemo"? Well, the little blue fish named Dory, sings this little ditty, "when life get's you down...just keep swimming, swimming, swimming" I have made several little signs that say "just keep swimming..." and posted them up around the office as reminders. When I catch myself pushing my tongue against my teeth (like I just did because I need to go balance my checkbook) I tell myself, that won't accomplish anything, and relax my tongue. When all else fails, one foot in front of the other keeps us moving forward until we get on track again. Phew! One photo at a time....

*negative image again*

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