Jypsey Fox

By jypseyfox

Lost in a Stare

Did you ever get so lost in a stare, you didn't realise you've been doing it for more than 10 minutes? This wasn't staged, I actually just went into a trance looking at this exact sight and didn't snap out of it until someone closed the office door.

Here's how it started. I heard on the news that it is suppose to snow (again) either this evening or tomorrow so I huffed a little bit. Then I noticed the little white dots on my new diary kind of looked like snow. Then I spoted the 2011 print on my diary is actually double printed but slightly off line. It kind of makes you think your eyesight is blurred. Exactly 12 minutes later the office door slammed and I jumped back to reality. I'll never get those 12 minutes back....but I enjoyed everyone of them. Everyone loves a good trance.

That's all. Happy New year :)

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