One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


How do you explain a blippers' gathering to a non-blipper (in this case poor Danny), all with big f*** off cameras next to their pint on a Wednesday evening in Mulligan's?

'We met off the internet... but... but... we are not weirdos, like... we know each other!'

Go and explain that one.

In this shot we have Sam elle est and a Wonderful World it indeed is.

Oldmills was messing around in the periphery. Whoever rushed to rate that shot 1 must have a personal issue with him (or me) because I reckon that it is a fine portrait, even if I say so myself.
I learned a fancy camera grip from him tonight (which made today's blip possible) but apparently he owns the copyrights on it.

Rejects (by that I do not mean that the persons portrayed here are rejects, but that these shots almost became my blip of the day...)
Samiam doing a very impressive impersonation of a cat (is a cat a person? cue debate...)
Good aul Kilbarrack - not Killester - Dart station
Knacker on the train
Secondsafter the slap
Old timer in the Grave Digger (Red and Smith bros, I am taking you there for an afternoon some day...)

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