My Year in Pictures

By jenny


I know I blipped these on New Years Day, however yesterday and today I've been looking at them loads and thinking how lovely they are!

I do love tulips when they're bright and upright, but there's something about them when they're like this which I rather like - it's almost as if after they've put all that effort in they're relaxing and taking a breather!

To date I've shied away from this type of picture - could never get what I had in my head into the camera - and not really understanding the whole exposure triangle thing, I didn't know what to fiddle and play with to get it "right" - so have usually stuck to macro shots of individual flowers or leaves which I found a lot less forgiving. I could get the composition as I wanted and then would almost take pot luck with how it exposed and hope that I'd get a look that was pleasing - but not necessarily what I had in my head, if indeed I had a clear picture of how I wanted it to look as an overall picture before I pressed the shutter!

However after the fab concise advice from horrigans the other day I thought I'd give it a go.

It took a few attempts to get the shot I had in my head - though I was in the warm today so that didn't matter! - however this is it.

Just as I had in my head when I looked at them this morning.

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