A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

First Friday Night Fives

It really was all very exciting. Almost as exciting as it was wet. Seven 7 year olds bounced out of school and somehow we managed to keep them contained for an hour before kick-off. Though I did feel a little sorry for the other customers in the Sainsbury's cafe - especially when they all decided that was where they wanted to get changed! They did have the decency to find a corner to sort of hide away in.

I did my best as coach and they sort of kind of tried to listen but it was very hard for them to stand still. My main job was to remember who had to go on when (squad of 7 playing 5-a-side and trying to give all a fair go is a little challenging but the matrix (see yesterday) did it's bit).

Anyway, it was all very tense and very close but they won 6 - 5. Hopefully they have now taken onboard the "don't go in the area if you're not goalie" rule and next week won't give away two penalties.

Still, one very happy little boy going to bed tonight.

One less happy little girl who realised that watching football in the cold and pouring rain is not the most fun you can shake a stick at. If it's raining next week she will probably take up the kind offer of a playdate she turned down today.

Right, need to go and get myself ship-shape before friends who had to miss our New Year's eve bash come over for dinner. I do hope they're not expecting kareoke.

Happy weekend!
Lesley x

ps - this picture is straight from iPhone and untouched so you can all get the sense of the bleak, wet, coldness. No need to thank me.

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