Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


Define Sassy?

Haa haaa haaaa ha ha. That's a really good question. Never take yourself too seriously. You have to be quick. And don't worry about what other people think of you....well for the most part. It's only cool to be sassy if you are a nice person. If not, you can come across as a bitch. You have to be funny with a good sense of humor. And I most certainly have a good sense of humor. (smiles)

I see you chair dancing right now. Describe this.

Kick it. You can totally kick it better from a chair. Oooh my gosh I am laughing so hard right now I am all flushed.

Describe Spicy.

Well spicy is just fun and exciting. Always.

Okay, what does your perfect sassy-filled day look like?

On the water. On the water with a designated boat driver. Load the boat with light beers. People talk way more with light beers. A whole boat full of friends who all know each other and don't take one another too seriously.

If you could take this group of friends on a dream vacation, where would you go?

Shasta. Done. That's really about all I need. Add a good cook and a cocktail mixer.

What is your criteria that makes a cool ass sassy friend?

I don't have any friends who are not nice. You have to have a sense of humor. You must think that I am the funniest person around and laugh at all of my jokes. And that is why I love my husband so much.

Okay, so describe your husband?

He is one of the funniest people in the whole entire world. Also the nicest. People who don't know him will never know what a softie he is.

What is your best memory with him?

I really love all of them. But I love it when we are driving together and just totally goofing off. We just get along so well. Nothing is ever THAT funny but it is always THAT funny to us. And I love him because he never tries to be someone he's not.

How did he propose?

Haaa ha HAAAA! In the hot tub.

Oh kind of like an episode of 'The Bachelor'.

We were in the hot tub drinking screwdrivers. We were on vacation and I he was acting so strange. I honestly wondered if he was trying to break up with me. So I said, "Aaaah this is just perfect huh?!" and he said, "no, it's not perfect. It's not perfect yet." And I was thinking, "What is his problem?" And then all of a sudden a ring popped up in the middle of the hot tub. Still in the box. I started shaking and giggling (that is what I do when I don't know what to say). So he said, "I take it this means yes?" and I said, "Of course!!!" and then I giggled and then I cried. And then it started to snow.

Aah that is a cute story.

Haa haa....It's.....an interesting story.

Any closing comments?

Well I know that I don't like being interviewed. It puts me on the spot and I get all nervous. You should just let me write the interview. I am a better writer than I am a talker.

I am officially naming you the 'President' of the Sassy Girl's Club.

Yeah (pumps fist) that's right! I am making shirts for everyone....maybe medallions. They will say, "SASSY CLUB MEMBER FOR LIFE".

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