Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Swan Flower

These cactus are so pretty this time of year. I was amazed how much the individual flowers remind me of a swan. It may not look like that to anyone else, but it does to me.

I was so hopeful for some nice photos today the way the day started out, but by the afternoon the clouds were solid across the sky and the rain started. Oh, well, I guess we have to have some of that; just so it doesn't stay around too long.

My husband and I went to Bandon tonight and practiced our songs for the going away/talent show that will be held tomorrow. I was pretty nervous singing my songs. When I get nervous my voice gets higher, which makes me more nervous. Maybe I should take a drink before I get up on the stage; just so I don't fall off the stage (ha).

I think my writing is getting worse as I go on, so I guess it's time to call it a night. Have a great weekend.

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