
By Appreciation

Peeking Through The Nets

Sometimes you try to ignore things and hope that its not really happening. I did that last night when it was suggested it was snowing. Pah, Pah, Pah, I said - it won't lie or it will melt soon. Great surprise this morning then. Not!

My family have become gym bunnies and are trying to out do each other on physical exercise. Its exhausting just listening. Today they all took themselves off to the gym whilst I went out for a walk. How quickly I forgot that walking through snow is hard work. Long Johns are back on and big jumpers are adding to my girth.

It was impossible to get anything without snow. On the plus side the beautiful light and blue skies have returned too. At the allotment I was surprised to see that I was not the only person there. One man had a shovel in his hand. Quite what he was going to do I'm not sure. Another woman had dug something out of the ground. There was no obvious signs of her pick axe. I consider myself quite a strong tough little allotmenteerer, but blow me, some are obviously better at this than me.

Today's shot is of the broccolli. Taken through the netting which is why it appears as if there is snow on the lens. The snow had gathered on the crosses of the netting. I had a lot to choose from today but decided that there hopefully won't ever be this amount of carnage and rot on my broccolli ever again!!!!

Thanks for all your comments yesterday. They gave me a lot to think about and action. My reading material supplied me with the idea of bracketing a shot and therefore getting an under/normal/and over exposure in one. Amazing what you can learn. Together you will help me achieve photographic perfection.

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