
By krimmson

strings and other orchestral escapades.

there's a << backblip, btw. trying to keep up with the resolution!

again the only photo taken.
orchestra rehersals started up again today... no more sleeping in on weekends for me ):

in all honesty, at first i was unsure about joining the orchestra -- i was always the one who fought with my "orch dork" friends about which was better, band or orch. being the great jazz fan that i am, as well as a fan of grand, exciting, room-shaking music, i was always a sucker for band. i play tenor sax and a bit of drums, which takes my obsession further, hahaaa.
but i dunno... after a while, i've come to appreciate orchestral music a lot more, and my flute too. if only sinfonia's strings weren't like, 5 years old.

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