
By cracker

The hilarity!!!

Home from night shift this morning, the Pump had a couple of calls so I got up to close the door and turn off the lights! Kaz, Spence and I went to Warragul looking for tan bark this morning. We looked at a couple of places and found one that was cheaper and would deliver today! We did the grocery shopping then came home.

While having lunch at the table, Spence was being quite funny. We were all chatting away and Kaz said something funny so we both laughed, then Spence joined in laughing really hard! I copied him then it escalated from there! He finished his lunch then ran up and down the lounge room intentionally laughing his head off! It was really funny! I took a few photos and a video of him, he would start laughing and then double over still laughing! The lighting in the room wasn't the best so the shutter speed was slower which caused movement in the photo! You get the idea from today's blip though!

Another funny thing Spence said today, Kaz was sitting at the kitchen table with her laptop in front of her and Spence came walking up and said to her 'Mummy, are you doing a design?'!! No idea where he got that from but it was very funny!!

Edit: Just remembered:

We had a breakthrough today with Spence and toilet training, he has been saying lately that he wants to do wee in the potty but then sits there for ages not doing anything. It is usually just before bed and is a procrastination and distraction technique!

Today Kaz told him that if does poos or wees in the toilet he could have a 'Special Treat'. This is usually a chocolate frog! He decided he needed to go so we took his pants and nappy off and he sat on the potty. He was taking ages so we just left him there. After about 5 minutes he yelled out saying 'I did it, I did it!' We went in and sure enough, he had weed in the potty!!! He was so excited and we told him he had a done great, lots of clapping and positive reinforcement!! So Spence got his 'Special Treat'!! We are hoping this will continue now that he has done it once!!

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