Möbius Miss

By WifeOfRiley


Blimey, 200 already! 

After thinking about size yesterday I fancied having a go at creating my own toilet roll scale model of the Solar System. It goes something like this:

If the Earth to the Sun distance (1 AU) is represented by one sheet of toilet paper then how far away would the other planets be?

Well, Mercury and Venus before Earth, on the first sheet, then  Mars on the second, the asteroid belt on the third, nothing then until Jupiter on the 6th, Saturn on sheet 10 with Uranus and Neptune on 20 and 31 respectively and Pluto 39 sheets (ish) away.

How far do you think the nearest star, the next sun to ours, sits, in toilet paper sheets? Tip- perhaps rolls may be a better scale to work with.... answer tomorrow, unless you get there first!

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