As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt

Yard Art

We are supposed to get a storm today or tomorrow or as late as Wednesday. All of the weather people agree it will include percipitation, but they do not degree in what form it will fall from the sky. IS it cold enough to snow or is there a warmer layer of air that will cause freezing rain? Maybe it will never actually get to freezing and it will just be good old fashioned Oregon rain. Since I stand to get wet if I venture out the next few days I decided to go on a yard art quest.

Portland is a very artistic town. We have more bookstores and brew pubs per capita than any other city in the US, or we did at one time. All that good beer and literature breeds open minds and interesting front yards. This is part of a metal sculpture that is part of a larger display of metal art in a yard not a mile from my house.

I had to play with the lighting some in photoshop since the low lying clouds have made for no shadows to speak of.

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