
By Mimthing

Birthday Girl

My daughter Layla is having her birthday party at one of her best mates tonight.

We met up at lunch-ish time at the Range, Monks Cross for coffee and to look for some frames to make up her pressie from me -a few B&W family photo's to go on her wall of fame.
We had a lovely time looking at all the stuff -arty/crafty- that we want to own and probably never do anything with. I have a spare room full of such stuff, I'm sure I will use it all one day, I'm just going to have to live a very long time that's all.
As usuall we discussed many things and laughed a lot, we had Maddy -grandaughter- with us and she managed to join in, in her unique way....choking on apple skin and throwing her shoes away, she left her mark on the floor, quavers and cheese, yummy.

On trying to leave and go back to her house to see Jamie -grandson- I found myself kind of locked out of my car.
The key wouldn't turn, then it would but not to unlock the door.
I tried a few more times and eventually it did turn fully......
I mean really fully, round and round.

Not good.

Phoned himself to let him know and see if there was anything I could do that I hadn't already tried.
He was his usual short tempered intolerant self.

Not telling you what he said as the mods will suspend my entry if I do.

Suffice to say I hit the off button and turned the volume right down.

I managed to get in through the tailgate.

The lock is well and truly bust, you'd think I'd attacked it with a screw driver and broke it on purpose the way he has reacted.
I might add that this is an R reg people carrier that was a MOT failure, not some nice smart modern car, it's old and surely it's going to brake at some point.
Today was that point, but why when I have it?

When I eventually did get back to Laylas house we put the photo's in to the frames.

So, todays entry is particularly out of focus!
The camera I had doesn't like dim light.
I don't like it's flash.
It isn't happy on manual in low light.

The photo in the frame is one of Layla at two days old -29yrs ago- Maddy wanted to help and have a look, then she saw the camera and realised she needed to smile........cracks us up every time.
Major camera shake!!

I have the best times with my kids that any Mim could ever wish for, I can count my kids as my friends.

Some would say that I am blessed.
I reckon I'm one very lucky Mim and Grannie and I have a very special family.

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