
By Appreciation

Look Into My Eyes

I think everyone enjoyed that night before something big sleep last night. Everyone awake before the alarms and everyone exhausted. Still school beckons and the routine starts again.

My to do list is enormous. I had to make a number of calls today advising various people of the same thing. By the end of it I felt like I had been hypnotised. Everyone asking the same questions, requesting the same information - and round and round we went. When the music stopped I had to go splash my face and 3-2-1- I was back in the room.

These solar lights caught my attention as I had to look very hard to check if they were on - and that was in a bright shop. I am becoming braver as the days go by. There I was amongst the shoppers and staff re-arranging displays, bending stems to position them and photographing away. Maybe they had a hypnotising effect too as I had a sense of coming back into the room when I thought I'd got a shot I liked. I scurried off into the throng and hoped no-one behind was pointing a finger.

Today's task was to play around with the white balance or AWB (and not Average White Band). I was very pleased with what I achieved in Tungsten, and quite liked the warming of this shot. That book is a wee miracle and my bite sized chunks each night are fun. Getting very technical all of a sudden. Quite unllke me - 3.2.1. ZZZzzzzzzzz

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