Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Bardney Beet Factory

This was a British Sugar factory until a few years ago. I grew up about three miles from this and the smell was lovely! Now I'm not sure whats it's used for. I suspect maybe something completely banal and normal, although my friend Craig would probably tell you it's where they 'burn unwanted ginger babies'. Apparently I only slipped through the net because I was so ginger they felt sorry for me. I snapped this after taking a massive detour to work late this mid-morning.

Been driving my car a bit recently which given the whole '25 to the gallon' thing is a luxury I can't really afford. However as I've been driving around I've been rediscovering some of my more fun music, and I'd like to share this with you. Such a great tune although maybe not for driving at comfortable speeds!!

Yesterday I was clearing a few photo's from my laptop and came across an unnamed file that turned out to be Nov 2007 - Oct 2009 or as I know them 'the Georgi years'. She was my ex who was a bit younger than me, and the reason I am now so picky and so lonely! We split under really bad terms (she was seeing her best friends Uncle and I despised her decadent and self indulgent tw*t of a mother) and it did mess me up for a bit. Well a lot!! Sad thing is I did love her and looking at all the photos of us happy was a bit of a sting. I'm over it now, but it did refocus me on exactly what I want - someone who isn't her. Mind you its not like you can ever choose who you fall in love with is it?

So I'm going to try and focus on opening the next chapter of my fairytale. We all have one don't we, the way you see your life planning out. I guess Millionaire, Footballer and International Playboy have passed me by, so it's time for nice girl, family and amusing writer to take centre stage.

You may have noticed that this week I seem to be entering into a theme of 'places from my childhood'. Expect more scintillating insights into the youth of a Lincolnshire lad in the 1990's before the end of the week.

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