A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

The price of fuel

Failte is the Gaelic word for 'Welcome'. Do you feel welcome when you visit Skye and have to pay almost £1-40 for a litre of Diesel?

This is a very contraversial subject. I hear many people complaining about the price of fuel. I heard on the radio a gentleman from Holy Island complaining about having to pay £1-33 for a litre of fuel.

The prices in this phoptograph are what we have to pay in Portree. Yes, it is unfair that isolated areas have to pay more than those people who have other options. I pay the same for a jar of coffee as a person from Glasgow or London so why should I pay more for my fuel. I believe the price for fuel should be ratified over the whole country. Then we would all be operating on a level playing field.

What I would like to know is, where will the government income source come from when the fuel runs out? Their excuse for the exhorbitant tax on petroleum and diesel is that they want to reduce the number of motors on British roads. They obviously desire to shoot themselves in the foot. In my opinion we should encourage people to travel because our economy is based upon that. But no, the aim appears to be to take us back to the dark ages.

One thing is certain. Fuel as we know it will run out. The income it provides will dry up. What will happen then? Places like the Isle of Skye will become depopulated. Cities will have to grow exponentially. Or maybe we are looking at the demise of the human race.

Big questions! But first let us all pay the same for our fuel whether we live in the wilds of Scotland or the big Cities of the world

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