For Blips Sake

By dagefo

Get Well Soon!

My Wife has been off sick this week. To be honest she should have been off some of last week too but she was determined she'd "be ok!". In the end I had to pretty much force her to stay at home and that it probably wouldn't be best not to go to work. For the sake of her co-workers at least - I'm sure they don't want your lurgy!

Thankfully she's gotten a lot better the last couple of days, at least now she can actually talk.

I think at first a week off work sounds like it could be fun at first, but to be honest I think after one day of day-time TV and being bored at home I'd be desperate to get back to work too!

Hopefully she'll be all better soon, just in time for Monday morning!

I'd like to point out that the tissue next to the box is not a used tissue but just placed there for effect!

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