simple moments

By simplemoments

wall art... #8

so here in the midst of all this beautiful, creative art is thrown an odd abstract... a misfit of sorts - a conglomoration of colors and shapes that almost looks a bit sci-fi....

why? does it fit? does it go with all this other fabulous artwork? was it done by the same person or persons? who knows... it made me reflect though...

because today i'm feeling a bit out of sorts myself... not necessarily like a misfit... but don't you sometimes wonder how you belong? i do... i guess i have up and down days like we all do and when my head hurts i feel kind of like this abstract looks - all over the place... and as i see the helmut or what appears to be one up in the corner, (although does it have fangs coming out of it?) that's what i want to put on my head to protect myself today... from the elements, from the hurt and pounding that happens. which then makes me think about a lot of other things which i know i shouldn't but it happens anyway... like my place here... i don't get many viewers which is not why i'm here but i wonder... what does it take? are my photos not good enough? are they misfits in the land of blip? yet i get encouraging words and comments... and that propels me forward. truly, it's only what i think of how i am doing for myself that matters, right? so onward i go...

i'm sure i will look back on this reflection shaking my head, thinking how silly of me... but that's life - sometimes it's all abstract... i'm glad i only feel like this every now and again; and do have a helmut of protection to wear...

happy day.....

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