The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox

Life saver

Well, not the brightest of days in many senses of the word, but trying to keep my head above water so to speak.

Been wet and miserable weather all day, though the waves have been pretty spectacular. After taking the image last night, my emergency camera (with my DSLR still in for repair) was sitting on my table. Unfortunately, getting up from my wobbly chair, I fell into the desk and it fell to the floor... Unluckily, the zoomy bit was out and it fell onto that, forcing it inwards :( This camera's fallen in streams, down mountain etc and survived, but I took it to the camera shop today and they said it wasn't worth mending for the money. So now I'm cameraless (for the first time since I was about 6 or 7 years as a bridesmaid where I got my first film camera).

I've just been revising all day... apart from the short excursion to camera shop where I took 3 shots before the battery ran out (and they're double A's, not rechargeable).

Exam tomorrow :o *scared*

On the upside of life, thank you for all your wonderful comments which helped yesterdays blip to the spotlight page. If this camera can't be fixed, at least it went out with a good last picture!! As I said yesterday, there's always hope. I've kept that in my head today.

This image is taken with my flatmates (pink) camera.

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