
By middleman


Family time today. Quiet morning drinking coffee and researching new cameras (more later, you don't escape that easy...) before heading out for a decent pizza lunch and then the monthly Bags Of Art at the Modern Art Gallery. Girls loved it as usual, and I more than quite like the feeling of being sprawled all over the floor of the galleries whilst we glue on coloured paper and get busy with scissors and crayons, and the regular gallery visitors have to make their way amongst us and step over entire families just to get to the actual stuff that's hanging on the walls, you know, the stuff they actually came to see.

And then an evening mucking around looking at the DSLR conundrum again, current thinking is to go for a used Nikon D80 body and use my exisiting lenses that I've currently got on a couple of Nikon SLRs (EM and F601M). Hoping to come in at around the £200ish mark, realistic ? I've had my eye on ebay auctions tonight and it could be the way to go. Tomorrow I may well think differently.

Some music to finish with. Was listening to some really rather heavy techy dubby stuff last night whilst up late computing and today went for a slightly lighter option. I used to work in music retail when Soul Jazz started puting out their 100%, 200%, 300% etc Dynamite compilations of old dub/ska/rocksteady. We staff used to absolutely hammer these CDs over the shop stereo and they used to fly off the shelves. They'd got up to 400% by the time I left the job and I've no idea where they're up to these days or even if the series is still going, but my outright favourite was always the second one and in particular this little number. And, just reminded (because I admit, I was listening to Radiohead earlier - weirdly a band I always loathed until I saw a ballet choreographed to some of their music and suddenly it all made sense, but that's a story for another day...) of the fabulous album that Jonny Greenwood compiled from the Trojan vaults, including this utterly fabulous track that I'm off to listen to a good few times before bed. Night all.

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