
By ausmossie


There is a phrase for a sign like this. It's called Chinglish. (part Chinese/part English). Such signs are everywhere and I am sure a few will be blipped in the future. It happens when someone grabs a Chinese/English translator and does a literal translation. The way Chinese works and the difference in grammar etc.. makes for some very interesting signs.. There is actually a HUGE campaign going on at the moment in Beijing to clean up all the Chinglish before the Olympics.

The unfortunate things about this sign... is that THIS IS WHERE I LIVE!!!

It says "Haughty Happy Frosty Crazy"

Beats me how that could ever translate from Chinese into that but someone did. It would be funny if I didn't live here (with 15 or so other foreign ENGLISH teachers) hehehehe

Oh well.. That is China. I love this place.

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