
By karenjulia


I starting thinking about this today as a result of Mother Nature's rather rude wakeup call this morning at 6.03am - a 5.1 aftershock. I lay in bed wondering if I should get up and get under something but I think I've become rather blasé now about earthquakes (after all we've had 3900+ since September 4) but this one was quite big and seemed to go on for a while. In the end I noticed all I did was put my hand on D's shoulder and wait for it to finish, listening to hear if anything fell. Nothing did, our house seems to roll with the punches. A few more since I got to work and being on the third floor, they feel a bit freaky! Its amazing how much noise there is during a quake.

This has gone on for some months now but I think about how my mum was a child (she was 7-8) in London during the war. She says the family slept under the kitchen table at night during the Blitz and her thoughts going to sleep were would it be better to be in her bed at the top of the house if a bomb hit because the house wouldn't fall on her or better to be at the bottom where the kitchen was and have the protection of the house? Living through that sort of life-threatening situation over long periods of time must take its toll. I feel for those living in war-torn countries.

So this little weed growing in the garden at work seemed to sum life up for me at present. It lives a dangerous life. I am surprised it has lasted this long, our grounds staff are pretty vigilant. It will be whisked out soon. So if plants could think, would it be worrying about every moment as if it could be its last? Or would it relish each moment as a bonus? Sometimes it is not so easy to do the latter but it is a good thing to aspire to!

Happy days all.

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