Jon's Page

By Jon_Davey

There are other supermarkets...

...and there are other trolleys. In the interests of balance, another trolley blip at the big supermarket on the way hoe from college. Bit of a 'good news, bad new' day at college. In the morning we showed some of our pictures from our ongoing major project including some from the Great Winter Run and working in the studio, which were reasonably well received. In the afternoon, with another tutor, we discussed the BHF Red for Heart competition assignment and mine came in for a bit lot of a slagging. Poor lighting, poor production values, 'could do better' was the verdict. While it wasn't great being the only person whose work got really criticised this time, which never feels good, it was probably worse wondering why I hadn't noticed it myself. Still, after a bit of reflection decided I just have to suck it up, and do better next time - it is a learning process after all.

Backblipped because I've been busy with my essay...

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