mini moments.

By miniaturehero

stop for a minute?

Blahhhh. Sorry, incredibly uninspired/uninspiring Blip. It feels like I've been up for about four thousand hours and we had LITERALLY the most ridiculous exam ever today - apparently it's no longer enough to revise everything we studied this past semester, now we have to know absolutely everything ever.

We had a question on whippets for goodness sake...THEY ARE DOGS, WE DO NOT STUDY VETMED, WE STUDY MEDICINE. On, like, humans.

Luckily, our papers are marked on a standard deviation basis, so if we all do crappy then the pass mark is lower.

(It didn't help that I was at behind a guy with his - very hairy - butt crack out, I just wanted to yank his jeans up!)

Eh, so after said ridiculous exam I went for a pint and a burger with some lovely people, who I haven't hung out with in way too long. (Mainly I just hang out with my bed these days). Then I went shopping, bought new ankle boots, a replacement pair of military boots (I like boots), a skirt, t-shirt and some flower hair clips. Complete the day with 500 Days of Summer to compensate for the fact that I have anoter silly exam in the morning.


(Oh, the stars/balloon - it's one of my housemate's 20th today).

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