mini moments.

By miniaturehero


This is one of the pretty things I bought yesterday. It's a hairclip from H&M. I already have some in red, and I really liked the pale blue ones so I got some.

So I had another exam today, which apparently was mainly about discharge and sputum. So that was exciting. We have this exam twice a year, although I'm not entirely sure why because it's basically clinical stuff that we won't start learning properly until next year...Although I managed to make a fairly good stab at like, four out of 125 questions haha :D We're supposed to "progress" every semester (i.e. get better marks), but so far this hasn't been the case - I got a distinction in semester 1, and then scraped a pass in semester 2.

Also, I just had an accidental nap/procrastination sleep. It was so good!

And I realised we only have three days between our last exam and the first PBL case of Semester 4, bah.

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