The Pain of Me

By snyder54

Workin for the weekend.

So today I spend the day studying for our QA's that we have all this week.
Monday we are still getting prepared, but the real fun starts Tuesday.
Tuesday I have my Algebra and Language Arts QA.
Wednesday I have my Science QA.
Thursday I have my History QA.
What a fun week. But then on Friday, we are spending the whole morning watching The Partiot. I will so totally want to sleep though it, but the battle scences will keep me awake.

I am ready for this week to be over already! I hate when it's time for QAs. They just started doing it this year up in our middle school. I really hate it. But hopefully I will do okay this time around. The first time I average--less then average. I'm gonna hate when next year, it will be half my grade. This year it doesn't really matter, but it's still like 50 points, still pretty big to me.

So my Blip is of all my folders & binders I took home this weekend to study. I was supposed to study my notes for band, but I am so totally lost.

Well this is my blip for today.

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