Daffodil repairs

This is James, the Daffodil Man, busy at work carrying out repairs and alterations to his Daffodil Day costume. He was a bit tight-lipped about the changes he's making, so I'll just have to wait for the actual fund-raiser day to see what he comes up with me.

This was in the kitchen after today's session of the Music Group, which went really well (all the last-minute print work and preparation proved well worth while). There was just time for one drink and a bit of a chat in the local up the road and then it was time for me to make my way across town to carl's place. We'd been invited to friends for dinner, and were due there for 7.00. They're fussy about punctuality, so we needed to be careful about our DART time, especially since we needed to factor in a visit to an off-licence before arriving on our hosts' doorstep.

It was a brilliant night. Wonderful food, excellent company, terrific conversation. As well as some good old-fashioned party music, we were also treated to a dose of Leonard Rossiter, first in an episode of Rising Damp (not really to my taste) and then an episode of The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin (much, much better). Before we knew it the clock had made its way round to 4.15 am, and not longer after that we and the other two guests made our farewells and got taxis home.

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