jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Train Ride

Apologies for such a rubbish picture!! You can tell I've had either a really busy day or a day where I'm actually part of things rather than an onlooker when you get blips of raspberries, daffodils or Ben's hood. I've backblipped yesterday if you want to see the birthday girl and hear about the travelling / bedtime shenanigans...!

Ben woke up at a normal time again this morning but wasn't so sure about going to find Grandma and Grandad. As he trotted off though, I heard the unmistakeable sounds of straining and felt guilty about setting a stinky Ben on them so I dragged myself out of bed. Happy morning pottering, chasing cats (I think Maisie eventually had a chance to come and have her breakfast without Ben scaring her off), eating breakfast, playing with drums, eating more bits, and then. Then it was time to get Ben dressed and boy did he NOT want to get dressed. I put it down to him really liking his pyjamas. Once he was dressed he was fine but oh my word, the tears, the screaming, the sobbing, the begging not to have a nappy on, the begging not to take his pyjamas off or his clothes put on, what on earth was wrong with him? I still don't know. Fine almost immediately he was dressed though.

Off to a garden centre for lunch, resorted to making him laugh to keep him awake on the way there! Ate, had a run around, had a ride on the train (this is his ticket), fell asleep on the way back but this time didn't stay asleep once back at the house. Hmm.

Eventually got packed, eventually set off, stopped for a BK at Cherwell on the way home (he likes chips, liked the 5alive drink, didn't like the burger - it was tainted with sauce), back in the car and motored on. Ben slept most of the way this time. I think he was knackered!! But once we got home, the same screaming and sobbing and begging not to take clothes off, not to take nappy off, not to put nappy on, not to put pyjamas on - now I really don't know what the matter is. I suspect this time the fact he wasn't really awake didn't help, but he did say once we'd calmed him down that his nappy hurt him. So I'm not sure what to do about that. I really don't think he's quite ready for potty training yet. But we've given him calpol (Steve thinks maybe his last teeth are pestering him) and he's calmed right down and gone to sleep. Now it's our turn to hit the hay. And hope that we don't have more screaming in the morning.

Ben has a packed lunch to take to pre-school in the morning, and I have to go to work to do the wages - so I hope he settles ok and quickly, and I hope I don't get a "help come and get him" call and I hope I get all my work done in good time and get back in time to pick him up on time! Phew. Night all!

PS Commenting will resume tomorrow, I hope!!)

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