Chick Flick

By Flick

New Buds

Already the new season is being foretold ...Yippee

And now for something completely different... a RANT ...

I do not like being poked by an officious nurse asking me to REMOVE MY COAT when the said 'COAT' is a velvet cardigan (£20 from the sales) her jabbing HURT ...
I said 'It is NOT a coat it's a cardigan'
She said 'Has it been outside?'
I said 'Yes..?!'
Abigail interjects and says 'She means exposed to the outside'
I said 'No I have worn my big coat over it'

Apparently, so Abigail tells me, they have had an MRSA case not actually in the ward but shown up on a swab on exit so they have all gone ,quite rightly, ultra careful..

However did she relax after I told her ? NO.... Did she go and wash her hands for two minutes after touching my cardi? Nope Did she behave badly YES
I have never been poked like that except by the Music Teacher in Junior School
and that woman was an officious sadistic woman who within a few short weeks had been asked to leave the School.

Probably I am not supposed to criticise one of our brilliant nurses but I have. She should not have poked me and she should have made a better explanation of her actions...
This is where Shy would tell me to shut up so I will ...

I will NOT talk about the Parking either ...

THANK you everyone for the wonderful comments OVERWHELMINGLY LOVELY :)
I do not know if I broke any record by my commenting red balloons Blip Central have not told me one way or another :(

EDIT Just had a phone call That NURSE has WON all visitors have been banned except Parents
How unscientific is that? I child left the hospital and an exit swab showed that he had MRSA (in a safe way) all nurses would have had contact with him I would not have ... GRRRRR
how unscientific is that ? and this is why Shy would have said SHUT UP there are always consequences to showing disapproval to some course of action ....
Ah well I can't change ...

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